October 10th, 2019

You’ve got the signed offer letter so that means your newest hire is a done deal, right? Not so fast! Managers and supervisors often fail to recognize that even after a candidate has accepted a job offer, they are still deciding whether they want to work for that company or not. Jobseekers have a myriad of options to choose from in today’s job market, especially given the low rate of unemployment, making it even more important that companies make new employees feel connected from the…

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January 18th, 2019

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June 22nd, 2018

On June 21st, 2018, The Hayes Approach was recognized by the Greenville Chamber for being selected June 2018 Small Business of the Month. Owner Leslie Hayes and her team joined the Chamber to accept on behalf of The Hayes Approach. The Hayes Approach has been helping small companies go from good to great for over ten years. They specialize in providing tactical and strategic human resource support for family and founder led businesses in the Upstate and beyond. THA is a certified Women-Owned…

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June 9th, 2017

The Princess Bride, one of my favorite movies of all time, contains a wealth of sardonic quotes that appeal to my dry sense of humor. In one scene, the character, Vizzini has discovered that, once again, something he believed could not happen has, in fact, happened. “Inconceivable!”says Vizzini (for the third or forth time). Without pause, his companion observes, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Words are to…

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March 3rd, 2017

A guide to company culture You have been kidnapped! You stepped outside for air at a New Year’s Eve beach party and friendly pirates grabbed you and carted you off to their ship for a trip around the world. You’re going to be gone for a year – with no computer or cell phone! Egads! What will happen to your company? When you are, at last, released, what will you find the first Monday back? Imagine that you could see your employees before they saw you. Would everyone be…

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