January 23rd, 2016

Are you buying apathy from your employees? I don’t mean are you “buying” it – as in accepting that employees have a right to be and actually are apathetic about something. I mean, are you buying it – as in paying good money to your employees in exchange for their apathy? Some research organizations put employee disengagement at up to 70%!1 While that number is often debated, three things are true. One, even if the correct number is only half the stated statistic, it means…

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September 20th, 2015

Been on Facebook lately? Those who revel in such statistics pronounce that 20% of the world population has been on Facebook in the last 30 days.1 — a percentage that takes a giant leap among the population of employed people in the United States. Newsflash: No matter what your policy, beliefs or firewalls say, social media is impacting your workplace. Are you guiding the flow or getting carried by the current? Your social media policy, (you have one, right?) likely says something about…

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April 10th, 2015

This week, top designers met in Paris and New York for Fashion Week – a chance to tell the rest of us which colors and styles we must go buy and which ones we should shun. Which new color will be the chic of the season? The “go to” color for those who want to be in style? The one that fashion magazines and television shows will proclaim as the ‘new black’ – that everyone just has to have? Even if you think HR is exciting, job descriptions could never been described as sexy or…

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December 2nd, 2014

One hot HR topic right now involves how much HR infrastructure to build – or whether to build any infrastructure at all. Many small and mid-sized companies are choosing to outsource the entire HR function in hopes of concentrating on revenue generation. Should you? Disclaimer – my company provides outsourced HR services. However, I’ll be the first to tell you that outsourcing is absolutely NOT the right answer for every company; and, even when it DOES make sense, considering…

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November 10th, 2013

I remember the housing bubble in the late 1990’s – when subprime mortgage refinancing was the key to a debt-free tomorrow and home values were never going to drop. I also remember the financial crisis ten years later – when people found themselves gasping for tiny pockets of air as they drowned in their underwater homes. I suspect I will one day remember events still waiting for us in seven to ten years that will serve to shake us out of the comfort zones we will have established by…

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